Rende, Wednesday 9 March 2022
The Kick Off Meeting for the WINC2021 project took place on the 9th and 10th of March: all the project partners met in Italy, and we officially launched the project!
The project is composed of 5 partners:
Euroform, which is the leading partner of the project, and is located in Italy; Incoma, the Spanish partner; Osengo, the French partner; 1st E.K. Prevezas, the Greek partner; and finally, Afridat UG the German partner. Find here the description of each of us!
All the partners were then able to introduce themselves, but also to discuss the distribution of tasks according to the different skills of each one. We'll keep you posted!
Rende, Sunday 8 May 2022
In the framework of our WINC2021 project, which aims at creating new tools for a facilitated social inclusion of migrants through the Validation of Acquired Experiences, we met Portuguese trainers who came to Italy, and to whom we presented the project, then we had the opportunity to exchange on the different VAE practices in Portugal. The Portuguese system is really interesting and inspired us in the creation of our new manual.
Preveza, Wednesday 4 May 2022
The greek partners have had an informative meeting with the administrator and the educational personnel of the Refugees Hospitality Structure "FILIPPIADAS" in the framework of the Erasmus + KA2 WINC2021 program implemented by our school on Wednesday 22th of June 2022.
Preveza (GR) 14-15 september 2022
The second transnational meeting of the KA2 WorkInclusion2021 project (Winc2021) was held in Preveza, Greece.
This was an opportunity for the partners to check the progress of the project activities but also to coordinate the future actions.
The central themes were: latest actions for the realization of the WIN-VAE (shared methodology of Validation of the experiences of migrants), Themes and contents of the WIN-Training (training course for future validators of the experiences), functionalities and technologies for the WIN -APP (mobile application to support the validation process).
Participants were very enthusiastic about the results.
In addition, the first products and the Validation of Experiences Manual will be available on the project website in the next few weeks.
Dissemination event – 1st E.K. Prevezas Preveza, Wednesday 4 May 2022 The greek partners have had an informative meeting with the administrator and the educational personnel of the Refugees Hospitality
Kick Off Meeting Rende, Wednesday 9 March 2022 The Kick Off Meeting for the WINC2021 project took place on the 9th and 10th of March: all the project partners met