
Duisburg hosts the Multiplier Event: Artificial Intelligence Supporting Migrants

Duisburg, 11th of November 2024

Technological innovation meets social inclusion: yesterday, Duisburg hosted the Multiplier Event of the European project Work Inclusion 2021 (WINC2021), organized by Afridat UG. The event, titled “Chatbot: Artificial Intelligence at the Service of Migrants”, focused on the use of new technologies to facilitate migrant integration.

The main highlight was the presentation of the WIN-APP, a mobile application developed to support migrants in the validation of their skills. During the event, participants – including migrants, technology experts, vocational training operators, and representatives of local institutions – had the opportunity to test the app and provide valuable feedback for its improvement.

Among the speakers, Segun Ajibola (Afridat UG) explained the app’s features, while Ilario Lo Sardo (Euroform RFS) presented the overall project results. The event concluded with an interactive session where participants could download and experiment with the app in real time.

The initiative was a great success, highlighting how Artificial Intelligence can be a strategic ally in the socio-professional inclusion of migrants. A step forward towards a more accessible and inclusive Europe.

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