Newsletter n.2 WINC2021
The second newsletter of the Work Inclusion 2021 project, implemented within the framework of the Erasmus + KA2 Strategic Partnerships programme, has been sent to all European stakeholders in the past few days.
The newsletter launched the WIN-Training, an e-learning training course for WIN validation practitioners.
WIN-Training is designed to expand and improve the skills of certification practitioners and train future validators in the use of the WIN-VAE methodology.
The WIN-Training is aimed at:
- Validation practitioners and aspiring validators;
- Operators in the adult education sector;
- Operators for migrants;
- Professional experts.
The course is available in six languages on the project’s e-learning platform:
The main topics of the WIN-Training are:
- Migration: from concept to migrant;
- Access to education and training courses for migrants in partner countries and education systems;
- Examples of VAE models already adopted in European countries;
- Application of the new WIN-VAE methodology for migrants;
- IT tools for the Win-App mobile APP.
Read the full newsletter here and SUBSCRIBE TO WIN-TRAINING on the platform: